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Reflection Creation

Reflection shadow Service allows you to make your images more realistic. This type of shadow has a significant impact on your online store. When you use reflection shadow on your product images, it appears as if the product is standing in a mirror and receiving reflection. Customers value beauty in product photos, and this reflection creates a more realistic shadow. 

Reflection Creation Sample

Professional reflection creation Services at  FREE TRIAL shadow and editing services are our clients’ most sought-after photo editing services.

What is Reflection Shadow

The process of creating a reflective view of a product from various angles is known as reflection shadow. When a reflection shadow is used, your product appears to be photographed on a reflective surface, such as a glass mirror. This is preferable to the traditional flat shadow because it emphasizes the depth of the product and displays the entire image. Customers always want to see products that are in good shape and appear to be new, and reflection shadow can help them do so.

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How It Impact in ECommerce Business

Reflection shadows on product images are extremely important for attracting customers. People are no longer interested in looking at standard eCommerce images. They want to see something unique that will catch their attention. Reflection shadows have an impact on many aspects of the eCommerce business, including creativity, realistic vibe, natural view, and more. In terms of some products, you may not be allowed to upload images with reflection shadows if you want to sell on eCommerce marketplaces like Amazon and eBay. 

How To Create Reflection Shadow In Photoshop

The following guideline will allow you to create a reflection shadow if you have basic photoshop skills.

  1. The product to be reflected must first be copied.
  2. The copied product image must match the original product’s bottom evenly.
  3. In proportion to the need, apathy should be reduced. The opacity ranges from 5 to 12 in

Why You Should Consider a Reflection Shadow Service

You may not have enough time or skill to create reflection shadows on your product images if you are an eCommerce owner or photographer. In most cases, it may appear to be a tedious and lengthy procedure. Finding a professional reflection shadow service, on the other hand, can save you time and allow you to focus on your business. A reflection shadow creation service does research on your images to determine the purpose of creating a reflection that is unique to your company and customers.


Jewelry items, for example, require reflection in order to catch the attention of customers.


Graphics Quality FAQs

Find answers to all your frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Graphics Quality below. You’ll find all information about our services, pricing, how it works, payments systems, etc right here.

Yes, you can! We suggest you, at first check the quality by getting a free trial of about one or two images before placing the order

We work in limited time in a day (9-12 hours) and 6 days a week. Friday is our Weekend. But our customer service is always alert. Try us!

For a small number of images, you can use (

Absolutely, there are so many clients who send us ongoing projects over the week/month/year. If you turn, you can also have a weekly or monthly payment plan.

Reflection/Mirror Shadow Effect

Products like jewelry, showpieces, plastic bottles, sunglasses, ceramic products, medical products, and electronic equipment like TV, smartphones, oven, etc., are the products that suit best for reflection/mirror shadow effect. The photoshop reflection effect resembles as if the product is on a mirror-like surface. Reflection shadow proves your product’s visibility, vulnerability, and existence. 


While shooting photos controlling the original shadows and using them accurately in the image may get tricky for several reasons, such as poor lighting conditions, unwise background selection, lack of proper camera settings, and many more. No matter whatever the reason is, we have to see through it, and that’s why retaining original shadow marks its spot in the shadow-making service. Our photoshop professionals edit images using their years of experience and ensure perfection. 

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